Have some fun with a gourmet breakfast, full of vitamins and colors: the breakfast bowl tutti-frutti!
We add some pieces of fruits, crushed almonds and seeds on a lemon-flavored smoothie of banana and yogurt.
For a breakfast bowl even more complete, we add a flake or crunchy muesli handful.


My Opinel kitchen knives : 

  • the kitchen knife to cut the fruits
  • the finger guard 


  • 1 banana
  • 2 plums
  • 1 fig
  • Some grapes
  • 2 table spoon of almonds (or hazelnuts)
  • 1 yogurt
  • a half lemon juice
  • 2 tea spoon of liquid honey
  • 1 tea spoon of seeds (sesame, poppy...)

"Le Petit Chef" Children Apron
"Le Petit Chef" Children Apron

"Le Petit Chef" Children Apron

"Le Petit Chef" Red Complete Set
Can be personalised
"Le Petit Chef" Red Complete Set

Le Petit Chef set contains a knife, a peeler and a red finger protector.


1Preparing the fruits and the almonds

Peel the banana and cut it in 4 pieces. Rinse the fruits. With the knife, cut in half and stone the plums. Cut the plums and the fig in tiny pieces. Still with the knife, crush the almonds (if it is too hard for you, ask an adult to help you).

2Preparing the smoothie

Pour the yogurt, the pieces of banana, the half lemon juice and the honey into the a blender, and blend until it becomes a smooth cream.

3Decorating the breakfast bowl!

In a large bowl, pour the smoothie. Nicely, add the fruits cut in pieces, the grapes, the almonds and the seeds.

This breakfast bowl tutti-frutti recipe is a great one because it can be adapted to each season. It is possible to choose other fruits: apple, pear in autumn, pulp of persimmon in winter, red berries in spring and summer, with apricot and peach!  

As you will become a very good chef, you will be able to create your own breakfast bowl!