Are you sure you want to perform this action?
You have a period of 30 working days, from receipt of goods, in which to ask for an exchange, a credit note or a refund.
Damaged goods are not taken back or refunded.
Items must be returned in their original packaging and in perfect condition.
Personalised or engraved items do not qualify for a right of withdrawl and are not exchangeable.
The completed withdrawl form must be sent by post or by email.
You may contact our services for any further advice on +33 (0)4 58 25 01 16.
The Opinel e-Boutique will acknowledge your withdrawl request by email.
You must then return the items by post within 14 days of your withdrawl and at your own charge, to the Opinel e-Boutique at the following address:
Coutellerie de Savoie
174 rue de l’Artisan
73300 Villargondran
In the event of a refund, the returned items are refunded provided that the above conditions have been respected. The refund will be made using the same method of payment within 14 days of reception in our warehouse.
Are you sure you want to perform this action?